Reiki is an ancient and widely-practiced form of energy healing. During a Reiki treatment, a trained Reiki practitioner transmits Reiki energy (life-force energy, e.g. chi) to the person, animal, or situation receiving the treatment. During an in-person session, this energy is transmitted through the laying on of hands. During a Distance Reiki session, the Reiki practitioner uses specific techniques learned in Reiki training to transmit the Reiki treatment to the subject. Reiki has become increasingly well-accepted by the medical mainstream in recent years, and is currently offered in many respected hospitals, including The Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and the National Institutes of Health Warren Grant Magnuson Clinical Center. What Can Reiki Do? While not a direct cure for illness, Reiki can profoundly assist in the body's natural healing process, as well as support emotional and spiritual healing. Reiki promotes relaxation and stress reduction. Many people who receive Reiki treatments report reduction in pain, reduction in the severity of their symptoms, faster recovery from injuries and surgery, and increased energy and feelings of well-being. In addition to achieving all of the above, Distance Reiki can be sent to past events and traumas, and to future events, such as job interviews. Reiki for Pets Reiki provides the same benefits for animals as it does for people. Additionally, Reiki treatments can help animals adjust to new environments, assist in overcoming behavioral problems, and help animals to overcome traumas such as abuse, neglect, and the loss of an owner or animal buddy. Reiki can also be sent to the relationship between a pet and a person, or the relationship between two pets. Reiki can ease an animal's transition to the next life, both physically and emotionally.
I've been a certified Reiki Master-Teacher for over 15 years, and would love to assist you or your animal companions with a Reiki session. Reiki is a wonderful gift for yourself, or your human and animal loved ones. It has so many applications, and is uplifting to both mind and body.
Reiki Testimonials:
"Thanks again for the Reiki treatment yesterday. My leg is feeling much better, and I felt incredibly relaxed after the treatment and slept wonderfully last night." Cynthia, PA
"I have told many about my great treatment!...Thanks again, for everything." Peace and Love, Jim (KY)
Disclaimer: Reiki sessions with Jennifer are not medical procedures and do not provide medical diagnoses. Reiki is an adjunct to medical care, whether human or veterinary it isn't a substitute for medical care.